Every traditional rice variety has some nutritive or medicinal property. We just need to know the benefits and replace the general propensity for white rice which is chosen for their habitual preference as well as a perception of the cleaner appearance of the polished grain.

With the growing awareness thathas widely spread on the benefits in consuming traditional rice, yet there is a huddle in reaching outto such valuable rice varieties.

RAGHANS vision is to load every kitchen pantry with the super food that our generations had forgotten and give a riseby supplying the goodness of traditional rice variety to everyone’s plates.

RAGHANS, connect with the local farmers to motivate and cultivate traditional rice crop. Our local farmers are promoted on using organic method of cultivation from the usual conventional methods. As a result, our farmers are gradually transferring to the organic pattern, though having yield comparatively lesser than conventional method (use of synthetic fertilizers / pesticides), due to the growing demands for organic products. These crops are sent to mills to produce rice grains to remove the husk, free from impurities and contain a minimum number of broken grains to ensure premium quality of the product. RAGHANS Natural & Organics, a premium brand you can trust. Its your destination for a Good food choice.